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Partners | Promoters | Allies |Champions
For every $1,000.00 donated, helps fund a program series session per quarter with an average of 100 to 300 participants in each session.
In return, based on your level of contributions we will promote your company's commitment to compassion and generosity while working
to push for equality and empower the 1,200+ women and youth a part of the Women of Toledo circle.
We will give you a shoutout on our newsletter and social media platforms. All our platforms have an audience of 1,000+ women, men, and youth that support our mission.
Women of Toledo will be highlighting your gracious contribution towards our initiative. We can't wait to tell the world about your support to Women of Toledo!
Your logo will be placed on our partners and supporters page on our website and linked to your site!
Attend one FREE session of our Women Economic Empowerment Series with a 2-3 minute introduction and acknowledgment at the session.
If you or your company interested to be part of our Circle of Partner & Sponsorship Supporters or would like to learn more about it, please contact Expansion & Development Committee at or call us at 567.970.7172 today!
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